Is this your first year at FACE? Starting school is a big step, at this school in particular!

Starting in grade 1 of primary school, FACE students class schedules follow a secondary school model; students have several 50-minute periods per day, and move from one classroom to another between periods. The classes are spread over five floors, forcing children to walk, going up and down stairs several times a day (excellent physical exercise!).

For this reason, the primary child must quickly acquire a great sense of organization. They do not stay with a single classroom teacher all day, but rather move from teacher from teacher along with their classmates. Students typically stay with the same group of classmates for two years at a time.

In collaboration with the school team, and in order to answer recurring questions about the functioning of the school, the OPP’s parents have prepared “welcome booklets” for new students and their parents, which explain many of the specifics of FACE: Family time? Organization of the locker? Communication with teachers? Babysitting service, meals, transportation? It’s all there.

Télécharger la version française (mise à jour septembre 2014).

Download the English version (Updated September 2014).