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The PPO is committed to the Kindness at school project at FACE.

In fact, we presented the project Code de Vie en Action to the Principal and the Governing Board in 2018-2019.

2021 -Celebrating the Month of Kindness – FEBRUARY

In 2020 and 2021, the students put up Kids Helpline and Tel-Jeunes posters.

In December 2019, we created the FIRST Kindness Tree in the hallway (near room 105), to make the tree blossom -you must write a kind action performed or received on a heart-shaped leaf.

In 2021 we added a new kindness tree and a small forest of kindness trees

We will ask students to continue to put up fabulous posters by local artist Élise Gravel in our beautiful school !!

On February 24th 2021, we will be celebrating Pink Shirt Day to stand-up against bullying, so please make sure that you and your kids wear pink for this very important cause !

It is crucial to explain the story of how Pink Shirt Day was created -it’s based on a true story -see link above.  We can then ask our child ‘how would you feel if you were proud to wear your favourite shirt, but then at school you were humiliated, taunted and teased, rejected and hurt on purpose by others?’ and ‘do you believe that we deserve to be treated this way just because we are different?’ and share your opinion ‘i personally believe that everyone must be treated with respect…’  and even share your personal experience ‘when i was young, i remember that…’

Pink Shirt Day is an incredible and unique opportunity to be able to discuss such essential principles and to share your values of respect, tolerance and an openness to diversity… in order to better live together…

OPP-PPO will offer kindness workshops, Meditation sessions to students.

Every student will also be given the following pledge

FACE is not only my art school, it is a community where students are respectful, kind and help each other. Here is how I can celebrate the FACE spirit:   
  • I will encourage a student that is discouraged, 
  • At lunch, I will offer my company to a student who is sitting alone, 
  • I will listen and ask a student who is sad if I can do anything to help, 
  • I will help others as often as I can
  • I will think about what helpful or kind action I can do each day  !
As a student at FACE, I pledge to:
1) Respect myself and respect others
2) Be kind to someone who is bullied, excluded or teased
3) Stand up against bullying
4) Get help when a situation degenerates
5) Report to the office when i witness bullying.
SIGNATURE ____________________________________ DATE __________________

The PPO is hoping that students will begin to spearhead the Kindness Movement -since Kindness can only be effective at school if the students get involved – so as parents -please Talk about it with your kids too  !